Iron Courts Schedule is packed with basketball training opportunities. There are basketball skills training, basketball clinics, custom 1 v 1 training, and performance training classes. There is also plenty of open gym time to have fun and work out independently. The schedule is updated regularly but subject to change at any time. Click the button for Iron Courts Basketball League Schedule and Standings.
Open Gym and Open Run Rules:
– Requires Membership or Guest Pass
– If a court is not reserved, it is open for open shooting / playing
– If there is an Open Run designation on the schedule, priority will be given to that age group for 4 v 4 or 5 v 5 scrimmages
– When open gym scrimmages are in progress and court capacity is reached (10 players), the following game rules will apply:
1. Standard game scoring (2’s and 3’s, first to 11 points, straight up).
2. Winning Team stays
3. Waiting players either shoot free throws to determine next 5 for play or determine teams and order before the prior game ends
4. There will be no officials. Call your own fouls. Honesty is expected at all times
Key and Links
- AP = Athletic Performance Testing
- Skills = Basketball Skills Training
- IS = Individual Shooting Session
- Open Gym = Rules below
- Open Run = Scrimmages
- Speed and Vertical = Speed and Vertical Jump Class
- Saturday League = Iron Courts Basketball League
- Train = Custom Basketball Training
- HEAT = Performance Training
- Rec Team = Iron Courts Recreational Division Team
Iron Courts Class Age Levels:
Beginner: 4 – 6 years old
Rookie (Rook): 7 – 9 years old
Junior (Jr): 10 – 13 years old
Elite: 14 – 18 years old